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March 16, 2015

My father and step-mother came to visit from Louisville yesterday. They wanted to see how the health club for seniors was coming along. You still have to use your imagination to see the clubhouse the way I see the clubhouse, but it is well on the way to becoming a thing of beauty and wellness. […]

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March 9, 2015

Last week I shared our organizational chart with you and pointed out that there are many authorities over the director (me) of Grace Place. I neglected to mention that there is an ultimate authority over all, God the Father. Without His blessings, none of what we are doing will be successful. I know that His […]

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March 2, 2015

Our zone change request went before the Lexington Council Members last Thursday, and they had no objections! Now all we need is a green light from the Certificate of Need Office, the State Building Inspector, the licensing board for adult day centers after an inspection (after everything is in place, but before we open) and […]

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Special Report

Money Matters by DG Gridley Financial planning is best done throughout one’s working life rather than at the end. Better late than never still applies to financial planning, however. As you have probably heard before, a person who finds themselves in dire financial straits in their golden years did not plan to fail. They failed […]

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February 23, 2015

The city plowed the trail today (thank you, LFUCG) and I went for a good walk this afternoon, despite the frigid temperatures! This weather has put a kink in my exercise routine. I normally walk on the Townbranch Trail behind our home (seen behind me in this picture…I am standing on a deck about 20 […]

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February 16, 2015

Last week was super busy in a good way. Had a meeting with our newly hired marketer, Melissa Anthony, and I gave her a Wellness Map to share with hospital discharge planners and others who provide services to seniors. We had our monthly meeting of the Bluegrass Continuity of Care Association at The Lafayette, where […]

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SPECIAL REPORT: How Adult Day Centers Fit Into The Big Picture

In the beginning, families lived close to one another. Children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and other extended family members took care of one another. Those who did not have family were cared for by charitable institutions, mainly churches.  Government did not care for the financial needs of older U.S. citizens until 1940 for social security ( […]

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February 9, 2015

Lockers are expensive (one quote was over $6,000, and that did not include the locks), yet well worth an investment. I just want to make sure we get the best price and the right amount of lockers to accommodate every member. The vision is for each member to claim a locker at the beginning of […]

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February 2, 2015

These are examples of the look we are going for on the exterior of the club, especially for the “potting shed”. The Potting Shed is currently just a ‘lean to’ type of metal garage, but with some improvements, it can become an inviting outdoor space that can be used in a variety of ways. It […]

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January 26, 2015

Work is progressing on 2100 Liberty Road, the proposed new location of Aging With Grace, Aging In Place–The Health Club for Seniors. We are working hard to pick out doors, fixtures, flooring, etc., that will promote a positive experience for the potential members of The Club. This floor plan has already been changed for the […]

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