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The Present: August 30

Yay! Nolan starts day care next Thursday! Of course, weekends will still be a challenge because the day care is not open on weekends and my son often has to work weekends. And I need to work Saturdays from 12 to 6. We are going to work on securing weekend care next. The highlight of […]

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The Present: August 23

This past week has been focused on finding day care for our almost two year old grandson. We found a day care that has an after school and non-school day program for Jack (not his real name for protection), the almost six years old, but they do not have a space currently to accommodate our […]

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The Present: August 15

My last blog entry was last Saturday morning. Lawrence and I had a lovely day in spite of the weather, looking at Antiques with our grandchildren, eating lunch at their favorite restaurant (McDonald’s)  and shopping  at Wal-mart, where we bought a bicycle helmet for our grandson. He had one, but it was themed from the […]

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The Present: August 9

My grandsons are up, diaper changed, dressed, fed, and cleaned up after. Now to finish my weekly blog…with many interruptions to be sure. I understand why television is so popular with my son. It is the only hope of peace with the five year old. It does nothing for the 23 month old, however. He […]

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The Present: August 9

Care giving has a way of rearranging our priorities. I had to resign from Rotary, even though I will miss it. The weekly meetings are too early in the morning for me to get there because I will be helping my grandchildren get ready for school and day care at that time. Besides, all of […]

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The Present: July 31

Our daughter in law’s Memorial Service was on Monday. It was in the chapel of our church where she and my son were married seven years ago. It was a very sad affair, of course, but it was beautiful too, with lots of flowers like Lily would have loved. I was so busy helping Eli […]

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The Present: July 26

Our daughter in law passed away last Friday from a sudden illness. We are still in shock and trying to figure out how to live in our new reality with our son and his two young children living in our home as of Thursday evening. The details are complicated, but let it suffice to say […]

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The Present: July 16

This has been quite a week! Our three sons are grown, but as long as we live, we will hurt when they hurt. It is not like when they were little and we could at least attempt to take their pain away. Sometimes I think it is a mistake to insulate them from pain, even […]

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The Present: July 10

Today is my monthly Garden Club meeting. We are each to bring an herb horticulture specimen because our speaker’s topic tonight will be herbs. I love gardening, and have spent much of my free time since I was a child trying to grow things. I think plants are fascinating and joke that I must have […]

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The Present July 1

Today really is the first day of the rest of your life. As long as we are alive, there is hope. You are as young as you feel. These are some of my favorite cliches. I have been thinking of the last one particularly after my 40th high school reunion last weekend. This stage in […]

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