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Kristy and I met back in 2011, when she came to my house as a licensed practical nurse to pay my mother-in-law a medical visit ordered by her doctor and paid for through Medicare. She came quite a few times that year. Kristy lives in my neighborhood but I didn’t see her very often after […]

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December 5, 2015

Life is full of loss and surprises. That is why God wants us to draw near to Him, to cling to Him and his teaching. God never changes. People may disappoint us, but if we truly trust God, He will not let us down. He may test us, try us, but if we hold fast, […]

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Erma is unique here at Aging With Grace because she has been with us since before we opened. She saw an ad we placed in the Hamburg Journal, and called me to ask what we were about. She has helped us immensely by volunteering her time and ideas to improve what we do here…delivering quality […]

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November 29, 2015

We had a lesson on Matisse here at Aging With Grace the other day, and here are the works of art we generated in his style: Matisse was in his nineties, wheelchair and later bed-bound, when he produced some of his most famous works. His hands, eyes and mind were not as nimble as they […]

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Miracles truly do happen. I know because Eli is a walking and talking miracle. I won’t go into detail, but let it suffice to say that there is a ‘before’ Eli and an ‘after’ Eli. He constantly amazes me with his ability, his business savvy, his insights and his hard work. He hits the ground […]

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November 22, 2015

Come join us for a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday if you are not busy. Just let us know you are coming and we will save you a seat! I am grateful for ALL that has happened this year. I trust God that it is all for good. So even though it may seem bad to […]

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November 15, 2015

Hello Beautiful People! I have a Norman Rockwell way of looking at people. They are all beautiful, and the more unique they look, the more I like looking at them. My newest grandson is now a month old. I was struck with how much he looks like an elderly man…not sure just who, but someone […]

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November 9, 2015

I came down with a terrible something on Saturday. Our RN called in sick on Friday and said she was still sick on Saturday. We had the same symptoms: all over pain but especially head pain and nausea. I vomited but she didn’t. Funny how people are affected differently by the same virus. If it […]

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November 1, 2015

I aim to change our culture (in the U.S) surrounding aging and death. I am going to need the media’s help. Unless one has experienced aging and death in one’s own family, up close and personal (some family members turn a blind eye and don’t really experience aging and death, even when it is right […]

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October 24, 2015

We are going to celebrate my father’s 82nd birthday tomorrow. He is a modern medical technology miracle. However, I do believe that God is the source of all healing. The Bible verse, “Man plants and man waters, but it is God who gives the growth.” can be applied to healing. The doctors can cut and […]

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