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Category Archives: Founder’s Blog

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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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Thank You for Caring

Of course you care, that is why you are reading my blog. Thank you for caring. We now have Silver Sneakers Exercise Classes! Every Wednesday at 2:00! Please help spread the word…exercise is the best way to age well. That is why insurance companies pay for these classes so their beneficiaries will not go to […]

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May 8, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day, even if you aren’t a mother, a mother of some sort played an important role in your life when you were young, no doubt. Mothers are a glorious kind of caregiver, and I salute them! The world needs more CARE givers. The world needs more people who CARE. I care. DO YOU? […]

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April 30, 2016

Does anybody know someone who can help us make a YouTube video? Here are the lyrics of a song I would like to record (sung to the tune of “Tea for Two”): It’s time for tea and time for a tale, a time to laugh until we cry We don’t mind if you tell a […]

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April 23, 2016

STOP IT! Stop the neglect! I see it more and more as I seek out those needing care. Open your eyes and SEE IT. It is happening in your neighborhoods, in your families. People at your place of employment are guilty of it. People in your church are guilty of it. They are guilty of […]

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April 16, 2016 (delayed entry)

Have you seen our plea for help on Type in “Providing Care to Seniors in Need”. If Medicaid would reimburse us immediately for the care we have provided for two Medicaid eligible individuals for the past several months, we would have enough to pay our bills. However, there is no way to know how […]

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April 9, 2016

‘Come Join Us And Feel The Love’ is our new slogan. We show our love to our members by helping them to their best health possible through providing nutrition, face to face meaningful interactions, medical supervision and monitoring, and exercise. The Bluegrass Aging Consortium, a gathering of about 30 professionals serving seniors in this area […]

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April 2, 2016

Some nursing students from the University of Kentucky were here this week to teach us about sleep hygiene. I am so grateful for their willingness to come and share with us. I believe sleep is one of the foundations for health (there are six) and therefore I am including it here: Don’t forget about […]

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March 27, 2016

We love you, and we hope you will get the kind of care we see demonstrated here if you live to reach an age when you need a little help to have a good life. Here at Aging With Grace, we see love in action when we see caregivers drop off and come to pick […]

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March 19, 2016

God is so good to us. All He asks is that we love and trust Him and put Him first in all we do. We would not be here at Aging With Grace without Him. He has provided for us financially, emotionally, physically, and socially. Each day is a blessing of resting in His care […]

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March 13, 2016

Age with grace. Have fun with it! Many people don’t get it. They think of older folks as a separate species. Do you think that? Fact: they are you in the future. Aging starts when you are born. You only get one body. Take care of it or suffer the consequences. Are you in your […]

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