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January 17, 2016

An organization like ours is made up of people. An organization is only as good as the people who work in it. The leaders of the organization have a role in determining what people work in the organization, so it is especially important to know the leaders of the organization to know the quality of […]

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January 10, 2016

My son Jacob was totally embarrassed by me at the Commerce of Lexington Public Policy luncheon because he said I was babbling about how the Medicare program should allow people who are discharged from the hospital following surgery to receive care and rehabilitation at medical adult day centers such as ours instead of in nursing […]

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Amanda is one of our Club ANSRs here at Aging With Grace. ANSR stands for Aide to Nursing, State Registered, and is pronounced “answer”. Our Club ANSR’s might be known elsewhere as nurse aides, or CNAs (certified nurse assistants) or SRNAs (state registered nurse aides) but the duties are a little different here at Aging […]

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My friend Mattie is a true friend. She is a friend to many people. She gives of herself and her talents freely because she knows that serving others is serving the Lord. I am amazed at how much she knows and how much she does. She is 85 years old and has more energy than […]

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January 3, 2016

The new Lexington/Fayette County Senior Center is well under way and is scheduled for completion sometime this spring. I am so excited to see it and use it! I especially hope they have yoga classes in the evenings and on the weekends for younger seniors like myself who are still working during the day. The […]

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Jacob is our community outreach director here at Aging With Grace. Jacob is our youngest son, and at age 26 and single, he is spreading his wings and flying solo from the nest. We can’t afford to pay him a salary, so for now he works on commission, and he has not been earning very […]

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December 27, 2015

I just gave myself a Margarita Pedicure here at Aging With Grace: It was wonderful…but would have been much better if someone else was giving it to me so that all I had to do was relax. I have also been giving myself Paraffin Manicures because my hands are so dry in the winter. […]

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Barbara came to us a few months ago and introduced herself and shared a little of her history with me. She is very familiar with the Alzheimer’s disease process after being a caregiver for her husband for seven years of his illness. Barbara has been such a blessing to Aging With Grace! She volunteered her […]

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December 20, 2015

Merry Christmas Dear Readers! I know you are busy preparing for what your family does to celebrate the holidays, so I will not write much here. I just want you to know that I care about you and yours and pray you have a safe and meaningful end of the year 2015. May you and […]

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Lorraine is a Club ANSR here at Aging With Grace. I have only known her since October 14, but she has continually impressed me since then. During her interview, Lorraine said that she was a hard worker. That she is. Lorraine came to work for us when her baby was only a few weeks old, […]

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