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October 9, 2016

I am watching the presidential debate as I write this. ‘Aging With Grace’ does not describe the candidates. Both do not exercise, by their own admission. I wonder about their health. Donald Trump sounds as though he has problems getting air. Hillary and Donald both have shapes that may indicate high cholesterol, high blood sugar […]

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October 1, 2016

I attended a grand opening of a new independent/assisted living complex this past week with my friend Mattie and my mother in law. They are springing up all over Lexington faster than mushrooms in springtime here in Kentucky. Medicaid does not help pay for this way for seniors to live and have their health and […]

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September 24, 2016

Hello Dear Reader, We have moved out of our beautiful building because we could not afford it. If we had 22 members spending the day with us four or more days a week, we could have afforded to stay, but after 16 months of hard work, prayer upon prayer, spending all of my savings and […]

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September 10, 2016

This is going to be an exciting week! We are going to have a mobile hearing unit here on the 15th to do free hearing screenings from 9 to 4. I am especially passionate about mitigating the results of hearing loss because my dear Grandmother Nolan, who was partially deaf due to an ear infection […]

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September 3, 2016

My blog this week is for all churches everywhere, but especially for the larger churches where it is easy for people to fall through the cracks. What follows is a real dialogue where the names have been blanked out for the sake of anonymity. From a pastor of a large church here in Lexington in […]

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August 27, 2016

Hello Dear Readers, We are here to help you. Our nursing staff and I love seniors and will work hard to solve your problems. We want you to enjoy life and make happy memories with the seniors in your life. Aging is complicated but if we all work together, problems can be resolved! Have you […]

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August 22, 2016

Whether seniors are coming here or somewhere else, transportation is an issue when reactions slow, vision is impaired, and/or other factors make driving unsafe. I recommend ITN Bluegrass. They will transport anywhere within Fayette county and no money has to change hands. Each member of the health club for seniors is automatically a member of […]

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August 14, 2016

Have I told you about Bob (not his real name)? He has been a member of the club since last October. Bob could be the poster child for Aging With Grace because he is living proof of the benefits of exercise as we age. He is 90 now but he told me that when he […]

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August 6, 2016

It’s time to gear up for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on August 27 at 10:00 at the courthouse in Lexington. Registration begins at 9:00, and the ceremony starts at 9:45. Hope the weather will be good this year. Last year it was in September and freezing cold and rainy on the day of the […]

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July 30, 2016

Hello Loyal Loved Ones, Thank you for taking time to open this and look at what we have going on in August! May God bless your August. Aging With Grace Newsletter August 2016

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