September 24, 2016
Hello Dear Reader,
We have moved out of our beautiful building because we could not afford it. If we had 22 members spending the day with us four or more days a week, we could have afforded to stay, but after 16 months of hard work, prayer upon prayer, spending all of my savings and charging up huge bills that I have yet to pay and trying to sell to many interested parties who all backed out, we are relocating to a less expensive space. All of the potential buyers save one wanted to keep me as director and our operations would not have changed, so it was a way of continuing our mission at 2100 Liberty Road.
A word to the wise: do not take out a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. There are too many strings attached. The SBA loan is the primary reason why all the interested buyers would not buy us. The SBA demands that the loan be paid in full by the buyer. No one was willing to risk that amount on a business that was not profitable.
So 2100 Liberty Road is for lease. It is approximately a little less than 3,000 square feet on the lower level, and 1,400 on the upper level, which has seven offices. Please contact me if you are interested.
We have a new spot in mind and want to move very quickly to re-open as soon as possible so we may again serve the 15 members that have joined us. I love them and miss them and their families already. I will keep you posted.
We have to file an emergency Certificate Of Need (CON) Relocation Request from the state and must also file a formal relocation request from the CON office, which costs $1,000.
Why am I pushing ahead with a plan to reopen, you may ask? Why not just go with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and be done with it, you may wonder. The reason is this: I am so passionate about offering people an alternative to nursing home care and all the other options out there that I am willing to work hard and do what God gives me strength and knowledge to do to make it happen until I am convinced I have to give up. The alternative I have in mind is not about the space it is in as much as the people who are there to serve our members. We want to also serve the families, social workers, and others who want to help our members. We want to be flexible and accommodate them with hours and location to suit their needs. It will be a lovely place to spend the day with a staff of loving and competent people who understand and appreciate older folks. And who have a sense of humor. Laughter is the best medicine.
I want to offer a place to spend the day where I personally would like to spend the day as a senior who would benefit from nursing services. I want to do unto others as I would like done unto me.
Much to do, much to do. God is in control. Who am I to know the mind of God? I trust Him, no matter what.
May you and yours have a blessed week ahead.
The post September 24, 2016 appeared first on Aging With Grace.