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Category Archives: Founder’s Blog

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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day! That expression always seems strange to me, since this is a holiday for remembering fallen soldiers, sailors, and other people we knew and cared about. But after careful consideration, Memorial Day can be happy if one has happy memories attached to the deceased loved one. Making happy memories is so important…especially after […]

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May 18, 2015

I have been working at the clubhouse everyday and on weekends for about a month now. I have totally moved our home office here at 2100 Liberty Road. We have locks on all the files and the security system for the building is installed. The security people, Bates/Sonitrol, even sent a gentleman to the club […]

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May 11, 2015

This post is going to be about staffing. Staffing is THE most important piece of the puzzle of getting the health club for seniors up and running beautifully. Staff working as a team to improve the world of health care really is a beautiful thing. The Health Club for Seniors will be a success or […]

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May 4, 2015

Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday, May 10. Mothers are important. Even if they are no longer with us. My mother was only 20 when I was born, so she would be 79 now if she had not left this world September 17, 2008. She was a heavy smoker since her teen years, so I […]

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April 27, 2015

Here I am, sitting at my desk: an old solid wood desk that shows the years of work done on it. It is on loan to me by the owners of the building that The Health Club for Seniors is preparing for occupation. I really like this desk. I worked hard to clean it and […]

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April 20, 2015

I have been thinking of Aunt Phyllis, who generously left us a portion of her life’s savings. I first met Aunt Phyllis during a slide show, where my husband Lawrence introduced me to his entire family in pictures before we married. Lawrence has been documenting his life in pictures since receiving a Brownie camera for […]

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April 13, 2015

I slept with my window open last night and woke up with brain fog. I went for a walk first thing this morning thinking that would shake it off, but no. I have never thought of myself as having allergies, but after researching a little I am almost certain I am allergic to something that […]

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April 6, 2015

What a fantastic Easter weekend! The weather was gorgeous, which helped tremendously. On Saturday morning I woke up really early and worked on reconciling our Quickbooks banking program. Then I helped ‘hide’ (in plain sight) Easter eggs for the McConnell’s Trace Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Right after that I went shopping for the ingredients for […]

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March 30, 2015

Our son and grandsons moved out a little over a month ago. They left in such a hurry, our son telling us only a couple of days prior to the move, that we did not believe it. They did not take most of their stuff, because they were moving in with another family (our son’s […]

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March 23, 2015

Life certainly is exciting and full of surprises! At my age one would think life would be fairly predictable, but not so, at least that is my experience. What about you? How has your week been? Have you done your taxes yet? That took up the beginning of last week for me. During the process […]

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