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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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Grand Re-Opening Celebration January 7!!!

Please come join us on Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 2:00 for a celebration of God’s blessings and all the good people who have helped us along the way. I believe that everything that happens, happens because God wills it or allows it, and we have to take the bad with the good, and the […]

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December 18, 2016

Yes, it is time. Time to get serious about standing up for what is right and good. Regarding our elders with dignity and respect is right and good. Soon you and I will be the elders. I am already an elder of anyone under the age of 60. And already I see myself treated differently […]

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December 10, 2016

This morning was delicious. For the first Saturday in a long time I did not have to get up and get busy right away. I still woke up at my usual 5:30, but took my time getting out of bed, getting breakfast, and taking a hot bath. I love a hot bath in the cold […]

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November 28, 2016

When my husband and I rescued his parents in NY and brought them into our home to care for them, everyone said I was crazy. Just take them to a nursing home they said. My mother was a nurse in a nursing home, and I have seen many nursing homes from the staff’s and nurse’s […]

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November 20, 2016

We are moved into our new location at Todd’s Center on the southeast side of Lexington in the Hamburg shopping area, but the work to bring the space up to our standards continues. We believe that a beautiful environment filled with art improves mood and aides in healing. Please forgive our mess in the meantime. […]

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November 13, 2016

me join us for a Thanksgiving feast at Todds Center, 743 Allendale Drive, Lexington KY 40503 on Thursday, November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) at noon. We do ask that you let us know (call DG at 859 539 2147 or email DG at  so we can be sure to have enough to eat, but the […]

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November 10, 2016

We all woke up today to a new reality. My prayer is for Donald Trump to be the wise, fair, and kind leader I remember from his TV reality show, The Apprentice. I used to love to watch that show. I wanted to be a contestant on the show. The media plays a ridiculous role […]

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October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween! Mom and I are looking forward to giving out candy tonight. Yesterday I had to hide the Halloween candy we bought to give out to the trick-or-treaters tonight…Mom was eating it all up! I love my mom-in-law and am doing my very best to give her the highest quality of life possible, and […]

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October 21, 2016

In a perfect world children would take care of their parents if their parents live long enough to become like children (because they need someone to care for them) instead of institutionalizing them and bankrupting the government to pay for their care from strangers who don’t know them or love them and much of the […]

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October 15, 2016

Knowledge is power, so the more you learn, the more power you will have to help yourself and others in the future. Funny thing about knowledge…you never know when you might need to know what you know, so it is good to learn all you can. Especially about practical matters that will affect everyone if […]

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