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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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December 2, 2017

I am sharing this very personal experience in hopes of helping someone, somewhere. A very strange thing happened to me last week. On Monday night I had a dream about the man I was married to when I was aged 18 to 23. I went back to sleep and dreamed about him again. Normally I […]

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November 26, 2017

Focusing on the positive and negating the negative can go a long way to improving your health. Being thankful is one way to be positive and reduce your level of stress. Too much stress increases cortisol levels, which may increase inflammation. It is our body’s reaction to what it perceives as a threat: we feel […]

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November 19, 2017

Do you have a plan for how you will be cared for if you ever need care? According the the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015, 70% of people turning 65 will need some long term care in their lifetime. So the odds are that you will need some care before you die. […]

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November 12, 2017

Addiction is a very sad reality of life. There are many things we can be addicted to, and most of them will destroy us if we allow them to. My view is, if the thing you are addicted to is your go-to instead of God, then it is not healthy. If you are trusting this […]

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November 5, 2017

Even though the clocks say an hour earlier than yesterday at this time, my body still says it is tired because it thinks it is 6:00 pm. These time changes are not healthy. What can we do to eliminate them? Do they really save money? This month is jam packed with events and seminars that […]

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October 29, 2017

This week I learned that my husband is going to retire earlier than we planned because of all the changes to the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System. I am happy he is retiring after this year because I need his help at the club. He has degrees in art, recreation, and physical education and has spent […]

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October 22, 2017

Next weekend we are celebrating my father’s 85th birthday. He lives in a condominium in Louisville. Like so many older folks, a condo has been a good place for him to live because he has not had to do any yard work or outside home maintenance. Now that he is in his 80’s, however, he […]

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October 14, 2017

My mother in law passed away on Wednesday. There is much to do after a close relative passes away. It is a stressful, emotional, and difficult time for us. I found this article helpful, so I am passing it along to you. This is from the AARP website: When a loved one dies, you […]

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October 7, 2017

Today was a beautiful day. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was beautiful, and seeing family again was beautiful. My dear Aunt Blanche was there at the annual family reunion hayride. I so wish she lived closer so she could come to the club. Aunt Blanche told everyone that she was so glad they came, […]

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September 30, 2017

Joys shared are joys doubled. Sorrows shared are sorrows halved. Caregivers especially need to share what they do and what they need for the sake of their own health. A happy and healthy caregiver will be of benefit to the one they are caring for as well. Lawrence and I are still caring for his […]

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