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April 8, 2018

I learned a new word recently and I would like to share it with you because I think it will help you. The word is ‘hygge’, a Danish word that has no equivalent in our English vocabulary but can be described as a feeling of privacy, security, coziness, graciousness, warmth, simple pleasures, delighting in the […]

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April 1, 2018

You probably know the story of the Good Samaritan…he found a person by the side of the road who had been beaten and left for dead by robbers. He cared for him and dressed his wounds and because the Good Samaritan was on his way (to an important destination ?), he took the victim to […]

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March 24, 2018…a guest post from Taylor Covington about traveling with disabilities

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March 17, 2018

This past week I learned more about MDVIP Inc…a rather new way for physicians to lighten their workload without lightening their wallets. I totally understand the concept and sympathize with physicians who are on the Medicare hamster wheel. But I cannot afford the extra fees I would need to pay to keep my present doctor. […]

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March 11, 2018

I have been actively searching for facts and figures about aging since I brought my mother and father in law to live with me in 2007. Since my mother and grandmother were nurses, and I was around older folks most of my life, I gathered information about aging from them without really trying. Now here […]

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March 3, 2018

Many other nurses have stopped in at the clubhouse this past week. Many were very qualified and seemed to have a true desire to improve the lives of seniors. I have invited one of them to join us, but will be still considering a second nurse because we need two part time nurses. I am […]

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February 24, 2018

I met an incredibly competent, experienced, and beautiful registered nurse this past week in answer to my job posting on Wow, she would be such an asset to Aging With Grace +50. I hope she decides to come on board. She loved our concept but since it is so new to her, she is […]

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February 18, 2018

This past week I attended a luncheon for older folks (55 and up) that meets monthly at a church. It is called the XYZ Meeting. Xtra Years of Zest. There is usually a guest presenter or entertainer, and this week the speaker was from one of the assisted living communities in town. Sharon Metz from […]

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February 10, 2018

I learned so much this week that I can’t begin it include it all in this week’s blog entry, so I will portion it out in meaningful other week’s entries. We had a Medicaid Auditor, an RN, BSN, Field Review Nurse Manager, who came to visit us a couple of weeks ago, and who came […]

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February 4, 2018

Sharing is caring and I would like to share what I have learned this past week. I knew that some families are not good about taking care of their elders in a loving and caring way. I knew that sometimes siblings fight over who will be the one to care for their parent (especially when […]

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