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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183

April 23, 2017

My plan for aging is to live in the house I live in now. We built it 10 years ago with aging in mind. It is a block from the bus stop so when we can no longer drive safely, we can still take the bus. Of course, there are other transportation options out there […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183

April 16, 2017

Last week I described how a member of our club could make a plan in case dementia sets in, and the staff at the club would be responsible for seeing that the plan is implemented. Dementia is a very sneaky disease. Most people in the mid stages of dementia don’t know they have dementia. In […]

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April 9, 2017

A Pretend Scenario That Could Become Very Real: I am 61 years old. I am a member of the health club for seniors, and I come to the club once a month to have a spa treatment and meet with the nurse, who takes my vitals and asks a few questions. Sometimes I come for […]

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April 1, 2017

People still do not understand the difference between what we do and what is offered at the new Lexington Senior Center. I love the Senior Center and am a participant. I would love to have more time to take advantage of the many educational and exercise programs that they offer there. The Senior Center is […]

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March 26, 2017

We have another member of the club! We love her already and are so enjoying getting to know her better. She is the third person to join the club who lost her husband several years ago and subsequently watched a lot of television and was very inactive. I truly do believe that television is the […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183
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March 19, 2017

Lots of exciting developments at the health club for seniors just as we are seeing signs of spring. And like the flowers that bloomed early and then suffered from freezing temperatures, so are we at the club having our ups and downs. I see it all as the pulse and throb of life on this […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183

March 11, 2017

I listened to a Ted Talk online that you might find interesting. It was from a gerontologist speaking on how our culture views aging and how the baby boomers are going to change how our culture views aging: The title, Elderhood Rising–The Dawn of a New World Age, was interesting too because it is […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183
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March 4, 2017

Do you realize that you are going to need someone to care for you when you are old? If you live to be that old, that is : People don’t stay fully functional and then die suddenly. That is a best case scenario and happens occasionally, but more often people have a slow decline […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183

March 1, 2017

I babysat my grandsons from 9-5 last Saturday. I kept having flashbacks to 2014, when I became a grandmother mother overnight when my then daughter in law passed away suddenly from toxic shock syndrome. I only had two grandsons then, ages 5 and 2. Now I have 3: ages 8, 4, and 18 months. I […]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home4/dgridley/public_html/wp-content/themes/harringtontheme/functions/inkthemes-functions.php on line 183

February 18, 2017

At this tax filing time of year, we are perhaps more keenly aware of our financial state. I was talking to Sean, the manager of the wonderful new Lexington Senior Center, and shared with him the losses that Aging With Grace has experienced in the course of trying to improve the health and quality of […]

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