March 19, 2017
Lots of exciting developments at the health club for seniors just as we are seeing signs of spring. And like the flowers that bloomed early and then suffered from freezing temperatures, so are we at the club having our ups and downs. I see it all as the pulse and throb of life on this planet. God is in control. My job is to do my best and trust Him.
We are working to ramp up our personal care at home services, hiring new staff for the increased membership at the club, preparing for our March Madness Event on March 25, reaching out to the community more and more, and continuing to seek Medicaid monies still owed to us. In addition to past missing Medicaid reimbursements, Medicaid stopped paying for one of our regularly attending members two weeks ago and no word yet about why.
I am determined to get back into a regular walking regimen. I have so much more energy and focus when I exercise regularly. Becoming a regular in the weight training room at the new senior center is also on my to-do list. I haven’t been able to get out very much lately though because of new members at the club. Our nurse cannot do it all alone and we only have two volunteers for a few hours a week. Our nurse, who is excellent, by the way, said I have orthostatic hypotension (after I told her about my dizziness and nausea upon standing and she took my blood pressure several times), but she does not know why. She says I need to keep an eye on it. You can see the causes here:
Please feel free to stop in and visit anytime. Don’t forget about our special offer for caregivers and for those needing some loving care:
The post March 19, 2017 appeared first on Aging With Grace.