December 31, 2016

January 2, 20171.3 min

Happy New Year! I don’t plan on staying up to watch the ball drop tonight. Still feeling a little weak, a week after my bout with the flu or whatever it was. It usually takes two weeks before I feel fully recovered from something like that….if I take care of myself, that is. I put in a full week here at the club this past week. Fortunately, Kyra, our wonderful nurse was a big help. She is full of good ideas in many different areas: marketing, record keeping, saving money on expenses, etc. I just love her. Please come to meet her here at the club. I think you will love her, too.

Bathing is a huge issue for anyone caring for someone who isn’t bathing themselves often enough, or well enough. In our culture, modesty reigns supreme for most of us older folks. Family members do not want to help their older loved ones with bathing, and the loved one does not want their help. Life sure does have some weird surprise dynamics that we have not anticipated. We are going to start a new line of service here at the club as soon as possible: Scrub a Dub, Bathing Services for Seniors. Most people are on a budget, like us, so it will be as inexpensive as possible.

Don’t forget about our grand re-opening celebration next Saturday at 2:00! Free food and fun—please come to help us celebrate. It won’t be a party without YOU!









The post December 31, 2016 appeared first on Aging With Grace.
