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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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September 24, 2017

Have you ever thought about your circumstances and lifestyle in comparison to the rest of the people in the world at large? I know it is not good to compare yourself to your neighbor, but if you look at ALL the people in the world, comparing might be a good thing. I was first introduced […]

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September 16, 2017

Serious mental illness can remain undetected for years, especially if the ill person has been paired with an enabler. When the enabler leaves the ill person through death or through choice, the illness becomes apparent to others and someone has to step in to take care of the person with the mental illness, if the […]

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September 10, 2017

We are so blessed… we had a big day yesterday: I babysat my almost two years old grandson for four hours while his brothers celebrated their birthdays at Monkey Joe’s. Lawrence ran errands. Then a volunteer from Hospice came….a Chinese pre-med student at U.K….to sit with my mother in law so Lawrence and I could […]

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September 2, 2017

My mother in law turns 92 on Monday, and my grandson turns 4. We are going to have a party for both of them next weekend. We would have had it this weekend, but there was a conflict with the other side of our grandson’s family. My almost 84 year old father says he can’t […]

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August 29, 2017

This blog is late because I thought our domain was on auto renew but it wasn’t and the day it expired was the day Houston was hit with Hurricane Harvey. Our web hosting company, Hostgator, is based in Houston. Our domain expired once before and it was fixed with a simple phone call but this […]

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August 20, 2017

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is just six days away! I have been attending the walk yearly since 2011. My father in law had the illness, which cost the family immeasurable amounts of time, money and suffering. There is no way to know exactly when the onset of the disease occurred, but he began to […]

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August 12, 2017

So here we are. My mother in law has taken another downturn this week. She is drinking even less and her voice is so soft I can barely hear her when she speaks, which is only in answer to a question, and in few words. Her eyes look very strange now. She sleeps all the […]

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August 6, 2017

I am sharing this very personal part of my mother in law’s care to help you with decisions you may have to make concerning your loved one’s care. This week I learned that a catheter is not always a bad thing. The Hospice nurse said that the aides that were giving my mother in law […]

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July 30, 2017

Last Monday I called Bluegrass Care Navigators and asked them to enroll my mother in law. She had declined significantly over the weekend. I won’t go into detail, but there are signs that the time is near and my mother in law was exhibiting most of them. Bluegrass Care Navigators has several divisions for helping […]

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July 23, 2017

Last week I said we were going to the doctor on Monday because Marjorie’s hand and wrist hurt and looked swollen. I arranged for transportation to the doctor on Monday in hopes we could get in to find out what should be done about it. Monday morning I decided to call the Hospice referral line […]

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