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Home » Founder's Blog » December 23, 2017

December 23, 2017

Lack of sufficient income to buy gifts for others and pay debts. Individuals and entities who have cheated me by not paying for services rendered (far above the amount I owe others). Betrayals by family and friends. An aging body and mind. These are all reasons that I could be depressed. But I am not. Because I love and trust God. I know I am weak and He is strong. And I am so thankful for the blessing of Aging With Grace +50 entering our third year of operation. I am grateful that we have truly helped all who have asked for our help, whether they paid us or not. And I am grateful for my good health. I believe God is with us. I wish I could give you the gift of good health for you and yours forever, but at least I can share these truths that have helped me:holiday Bea

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