July 11, 2016

July 11, 20162.2 min

We found a check in our mailbox today from Medicaid for $449. I have no idea what this is for. There was no explanation, and we have set up a direct deposit system with the Medicaid services, which makes it even more mysterious that they would snail mail a check.  We have always been reimbursed through the direct deposit system previously, so I will have to make phone calls and send emails to get to bottom of this. My experience has been that it takes multiple contacts to get anything answered in the Medicaid world, if it gets answered at all. I am still waiting for answers to many of my questions that I began asking months ago.

You know, what is really scary, is that the average baby boomer has not saved enough for retirement, let alone long term care. “According to a BlackRock survey, the average pre-retirement baby boomer (defined as 55-65 years old) has $136,200 saved for retirement. Including additional savings and the effects of compound growth between now and retirement, this should translate into $9,129 in annual retirement income. Keep in mind that this income figure doesn’t include Social Security or any pensions these baby boomers might have, but it’s still not likely to be enough.” From an article by The Motley Fool https://www.fool.com/retirement/general/2016/03/26/heres-what-the-average-baby-boomer-has-saved-for-r.aspx

People aren’t buying long term care insurance either. That means a whole lot of people are going to be relying on Medicaid to pay for their long term care. I sure hope Medicaid gets their act together soon.

On another subject, I promised a lady named Annie from Atlanta, who is working to raise money to fight Parkinson’s disease, that I would give a shout out about their fund raising event called MOVING DAY on OCTOBER 22 AT WHITAKER BAnK BALLPARK AT 9:00 AM.

Taking place in cities across the United States, Moving Day® is your chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action. It is a movement for change—towards more awareness, more funding, and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends.

We use movement as a symbol of hope and progress because of its essential role in treating Parkinson’s. So choose to move any way you can by walking, stretching or doing yoga in our signature Movement Pavilion. Every move you make and every penny you raise will bring us closer to beating Parkinson’s! Learn more…

Hope to see you there!

The post July 11, 2016 appeared first on Aging With Grace.
