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August 8, 2015

If you are reading this, and have not already received an invitation, consider yourself invited to the Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday, August 15 at 2:00. We are located at 2100 Liberty Road, Lexington, Kentucky (next to the Auto Zone). We are going to have entertainment, refreshments—and laughter galore! Please call or email to let […]

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August 1, 2015

In case you didn’t see it…an article about our business came out in Thursday’s paper. The article combined information about us with information about the Charles Young Center and the  Beaumont YMCA. The Silver Sneakers program was mentioned. A representative from the Silver Sneakers Program parent company, Healthways, called me last year and asked us […]

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July 25, 2015

We finally received our copy of the license to be displayed in a prominent place at the club. It looks terrific next to the spa window. I was glad a woman who works at the state licensing office sent an electronic version a week sooner so we could “turn on” some key avenues that will […]

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July 18, 2015

We have had an exciting and busy week at the club! Our staff orientation was last Sunday, and we have been fully staffed since, with the exception of the Wellness Consultant. The Wellness Consultant was not needed because we had no one interested in applying for membership….until Wednesday. We have yet to do the Wellness […]

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July 10, 2015

We passed our licensing inspection! I am so excited and anxious to get about our business of serving seniors and their families so they can have a better, healthier, quality of life. A better quality of life in my opinion is to be able to remember past events with no regrets. To make those happy […]

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June 30, 2015

Yesterday, Trish and Mattie, my friends from Immanuel Baptist Church, came for lunch…Mattie made a delicious spaghetti and chicken casserole. Trish is a photographer extraordinaire and gifted us with 192 photos of Grace Place on a media card. I was so touched. Here are a few examples of her work:

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June 26, 2015

Starting a business is hard work. Many times through the process I have felt overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted, and broke. We are not rich. Starting this business required jumping off a financial cliff, into the unknown. It has meant sacrifice and self denial. So what motivates me? Why do it? Starting a business, for me, has […]

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June 17, 2015

I woke up at 4:00 am this morning and could not get back to sleep. So much to do and most of it is out of my control. I prayed and asked God to give me peace. I know He is in control, and not me. The only thing I can control is me….my actions, […]

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June 9, 2015

Words cannot express my gratitude for the course of events taking place this week. My son and husband have been working together with me to accomplish what needs to be done to get Grace Place in tip top shape for our members. God’s presence and blessings are in abundance as we go through the doors […]

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June 2, 2015

Yep, I am a day late….and a dollar short, as the saying goes. But I am not really a dollar short, because we closed on our business loan last Friday. But of course now the clock starts ticking on the time in which we have to pay it back. And we signed our lease and […]

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