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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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Background Story Part VI

We do not know what happened to Lawrence’s mother and father’s money. We knew they had inherited an ample amount. But when Lawrence and I took them into our home, it was gone. Like many families, Lawrence’s family had never talked about money, which I believe is a grave mistake for families to make. Through […]

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Background Story Part V

During our bedtime ritual one night the first week that Mom and Dad Gridley lived with us, I noticed that one of Mom Gridley’s legs was pinker than the other one when she was in her nightgown. She always wore slacks during the day, and socks and shoes. Even at night, she wore socks with […]

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Background Story Part IV

I heard noise in the kitchen early the next morning. I found Milford in there trying to make coffee, but instead he had just made a mess. He asked me if I had seen the young people that had spent the night in the living room. He said a young man and two young girls […]

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Background Story Part III

Lawrence and I both had the opportunity to attend an art conference in New York City in March of 2007. We took our youngest son, Jacob, and had a marvelous time. It was the first time I had ever been to NYC and the city seemed even more wonderful than what I had heard about […]

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Background Story Part II

Milford enjoyed good health until he was 65 years old. He awoke one day to find a strange rash on his body. He was diagnosed with a form of leukemia. His eight pound spleen was removed and his health improved. A few years later he had an ongoing battle with prostate cancer, and then after […]

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Balance Problems for Seniors

Coming to the Clubhouse and exercising can reduce your chances of falling! In 2008, an estimated 14.8 percent of American adults (33.4 million) had a balance or dizziness problem during the past year. Why Good Balance is Important Having good balance means being able to control and maintain your body’s position, whether you are moving […]

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Background Story – Part I

In October 2007 Lawrence visited his parents by himself, again buying them groceries and taking them to the doctor and other places. He finally convinced his parents to sign a form allowing him to talk to his father’s doctor. His father’ health had deteriorated further, but Lawrence still would not take away his license. They […]

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