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September 10, 2016

This is going to be an exciting week! We are going to have a mobile hearing unit here on the 15th to do free hearing screenings from 9 to 4. I am especially passionate about mitigating the results of hearing loss because my dear Grandmother Nolan, who was partially deaf due to an ear infection […]

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September 3, 2016

My blog this week is for all churches everywhere, but especially for the larger churches where it is easy for people to fall through the cracks. What follows is a real dialogue where the names have been blanked out for the sake of anonymity. From a pastor of a large church here in Lexington in […]

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August 27, 2016

Hello Dear Readers, We are here to help you. Our nursing staff and I love seniors and will work hard to solve your problems. We want you to enjoy life and make happy memories with the seniors in your life. Aging is complicated but if we all work together, problems can be resolved! Have you […]

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August 22, 2016

Whether seniors are coming here or somewhere else, transportation is an issue when reactions slow, vision is impaired, and/or other factors make driving unsafe. I recommend ITN Bluegrass. They will transport anywhere within Fayette county and no money has to change hands. Each member of the health club for seniors is automatically a member of […]

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August 14, 2016

Have I told you about Bob (not his real name)? He has been a member of the club since last October. Bob could be the poster child for Aging With Grace because he is living proof of the benefits of exercise as we age. He is 90 now but he told me that when he […]

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Background Story VIII

Weddings are rather like babies being born and people dying. One cannot predict when they will happen. Of course, each may be forced to happen at a certain time, but that is not always for the best. And so it was with our son and his bride. They had met in Washington State, while our […]

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Background Story Part VII

The cost of the adult day center was reasonable, much less than  home care or a nursing home. Most adult day centers charge the same amount today that they charged in 2007 because Medicaid has not given them an increase in their reimbursement rate in over 10 years. Medicaid pays 10.28 per hour, and most […]

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Background Story Part V

During our bedtime ritual one night the first week that Mom and Dad Gridley lived with us, I noticed that one of Mom Gridley’s legs was pinker than the other one when she was in her nightgown. She always wore slacks during the day, and socks and shoes. Even at night, she wore socks with […]

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Background Story Part IV

I heard noise in the kitchen early the next morning. I found Milford in there trying to make coffee, but instead he had just made a mess. He asked me if I had seen the young people that had spent the night in the living room. He said a young man and two young girls […]

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Background Story Part III

Lawrence and I both had the opportunity to attend an art conference in New York City in March of 2007. We took our youngest son, Jacob, and had a marvelous time. It was the first time I had ever been to NYC and the city seemed even more wonderful than what I had heard about […]

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