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Home » Founder's Blog » December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016

Yes, it is time. Time to get serious about standing up for what is right and good. Regarding our elders with dignity and respect is right and good. Soon you and I will be the elders. I am already an elder of anyone under the age of 60. And already I see myself treated differently by younger people.

Senior POWER! God loves seniors and uses them over and over as is seen in the bible. He can use you and me, too. We have the power to make a difference in the world if only we will claim it. God’s power is in us.

Here is another poem that came to me as I was lying under the electric blanket. It is meant to be a commentary on the fact that, in our culture, we are far removed from the cycle of life, and the bodily functions associated with the cycle. Life is dark and dirty sometimes, and someone has to clean it up. What do we think the people we pay to clean it up think? If we think we are too good to clean up our ‘loved one’s’ poo, do the people we pay to clean it up feel respected? If someone does not feel respected, are they going to respect the one whose poo they are cleaning?

Ode to Poo (sung by a choir)

Poo is goo

It is dark and ewwh

The odor is pewyooh

It comes out of me and you

and every mammal it is true

But when it comes out of an older you

and now happens everywhere even in a shoe

you cry and say boo hoo

someone else I will woo

with lots of money or a coup

to take care of what should happen in a loo

because I am too good for poo

but not you








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