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Misty is our Wellness Consultant, and she has been with us since July 23, 2015. Misty is very modest and will be upset with what I am going to write here, because I am going to tell of how she has made the world a better place through her work here at Aging With Grace.

Misty wants what is good for others. She loves people and uses her medical skills to help them in any and every way that she can. If that means listening to them tell of their troubles, she listens with kindness and interest. If they exhibit a health concern, she addresses it promptly, with the skills she has learned through training and years of experience. She puts the needs of others above her own needs, yet is still mindful that the caregiver must take care of her own health or she won’t be able to care for others.

Misty has worked in nursing homes and hospitals, and has been a traveling nurse, spending some time in far away cities like Las Vegas. She went back to school at UK, graduating in 2015, to obtain a degree in social work. Misty’s social work education is perfect for what we do here at Aging With Grace because we are about the whole person and their families and communities, not just their physical or medical health. Each member here at Aging With Grace has a rich life that consists of their spiritual, emotional, psychological (mental), intellectual, vocational, familial, financial, experiential, and relational life. All those areas have an impact on our physical health.

What struck me the most about Misty when I first met her was her respectful attitude. I believe respect is a form of love and I believe love is a form of trust. Without respect, love and trust among people working together it is impossible to accomplish great things. Misty has that same respect/love/trust for everyone she meets. If someone disappoints her, she has no problem communicating that disappointment and working with them to make improvements. Misty is the boss when it comes to anything medical or safety related.

Misty has made our medical program strong by creating what she calls “Journaling the Journey”, which is a daily and weekly record keeping system for the staff to use for each member. Periodically the “journals” are transferred to each member’s Wellness Map. Misty often studies on her own time to make sure we are following the state’s medical and safety regulations and recommendations for adult day centers.

Misty is young enough to be my daughter but old enough to be the mother of teenagers, and we both agree that everyone is aging. We also agree that it takes grace to age well. I look forward to many more months of working with her and may we both age with grace here together at the club.

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