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The Present: December 8

This is a busy time of year for everybody and I doubt that you have time to read irrelevant stuff so I will make this brief. I just want to update you about how we are progressing toward getting the business open. Our potential landlord, Doug Charles, and an architectural designer named Avery Buckman and I sat down in her design studio to work on the plans for Grace Place. Mr. Charles is willing to remodel his building to make it into a first class health club for seniors. We are moving walls, installing ample restrooms and showers, and expanding a beautiful dining area. But my favorite part of the building is the gym. I can’t wait for you to see it when it is finished. Another special space will be the garden and the “Potting Shed”. Right now the Potting Shed is just a shed, but when it is transformed it will be an outdoor pavilion/pergola-like place for us to use for exercise classes, special projects, club meetings, and parties!

I hope you are well and enjoying the season. May you have a blessed week!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Dorothy says:

    DG, I just checked out your website and I am so excited that your dream is becoming a reality. I know that you will be a great success because you steadfastly addressed each challenge head-on and were undaunted by all that crazy red tape. You are truly building a better place for seniors in Lexington that will enrich many lives. I hope you don’t forget to invite me to your grand opening!!

    All the best
    Dorothy Derakhshani

    • DG Gridley says:

      Oh, Hi Dorothy…I followed the link to your “Silk Road” project and that looks to be coming along nicely. Yes, I will definitely invite you to our grand opening which will hopefully be sometime in May and will be at 2100 Liberty Road (our new location that is currently being remodeled).Good to hear from you and please keep in touch. I think of you often and look forward to seeing you again.

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