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Home » Founder's Blog » September 10, 2017

September 10, 2017

We are so blessed… we had a big day yesterday: I babysat my almost two years old grandson for four hours while his brothers celebrated their birthdays at Monkey Joe’s. Lawrence ran errands. Then a volunteer from Hospice came….a Chinese pre-med student at U.K….to sit with my mother in law so Lawrence and I could go to our recently deceased member’s celebration of life ceremony. He was a regular member that was with us most days since October 2015. Very emotional. In the evening we had a birthday dinner and cake for two of our three grandsons. I am so grateful that our son has a new mother for them (their biological mother passed away July 17, 2014) and she is wonderful. They live in the next town over and we visit with them at least once a month.

My mother in law is still with us and has not changed much. Hospice comes each day now to help her. She turned 92 on Labor Day. She wakes me up every night asking for a drink. Usually twice a night. I don’t mind if I can get back to sleep after.

We are looking for a new Club Planner at Aging With Grace. We had a fantastic Club Planner for three months but she had to leave for health reasons. The Club Planner is the activity director. It takes a special person who has people skills, who is energetic, full of good humor, creative, and who loves seniors to do the job well.

I am so grateful for my health. I have been exercising fairly regularly and eating well. We started buying our lunches at Aging With Grace exclusively from Cheddars, which is right across the street and it is DELICIOUS. Expensive, though. But not as expensive as installing a kitchen that would pass the health department’s permit code. Hopefully, when we attract 20 or more members, we can secure a caterer who will deliver to us for under $5 a person.

May God bless you this week!





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