Call Us At: (859) 539-2147
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>Aging With Grace, Your Best Independent Life Club  helps you live better, longer!</h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''> </a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is our guiding principle. We help you design a plan for living your life to the fullest and we work with you to accomplish your plan...</h1>			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''> </a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>Aging With Grace offers 4 different services to help you age in place:
1. At Home Health and Help
2. The Fountain of Youth Clubhouse 
3. Independence Consultations
4. Home Improvements </h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''> </a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>At Home Health and Help Services - Available 24/7. Live where you like! We will do whatever you need and want to help you be happy at home!</h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''> </a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>Home improvements. Reliable, trustworthy, competent contractors. No job too big or too small. Reasonable rates. Free estimates.</h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''> </a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>Come to the The Fountain of Youth Clubhouse for great food, fun, friends and health improvement! Open M-F, 10 to 4</h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''>Read More</a>
  • <div class='slider_caption'>		 <h1>Independence Consultations help you make a plan to remain independent and age in place and then help you to make your plan a reality!</h1> 			<a class='slider-readmore' href=''>Read More</a>

Aging With Grace, Your Best Independent Life Club

Aging With Grace, Your Best Independent Life Club is a new approach to improving the health and quality of life for people 50+.

Joining our club means joining a team of professionals to help you manage the confusing world of legal and medical decisions that are unique to people 50+.

We provide nursing services and great food, fun, and friends at The Fountain of Youth Clubhouse.

And we provide At Home Health and Help Services in your home.

Our mission is to improve your health and quality of life!

Here is what Health Professionals have to say:

  • "Maintaining independence as we age can be a real challenge. Adult day services help us deal with that challenge. They can free us from constant dependence on family during the day while making it easier to continue living in our own homes and neighborhoods." - Michael D. Smith, Ph.D., MHA

  • “Clearly all the evidence points to the fact that all people can benefit from exercise and activities, no matter what their age. There has been research showing measurable strength and balance improvement in older tai chi participants. Aging WIith Grace 50+, Your Best Independent Life Club, provides a setting that encourages exercise and activities." - David Shelton, MHS, PT

  • “I think adult day services are a great idea. I treat so many elderly patients with chronic pain problems that really limit their ability to get out and maintain some sort of social life. It is frustrating to see them get depressed and give up hope. If they had Aging WIith Grace 50+, Your Best Independent Life Club, where they could be around others and do some exercises tailored to their needs along with the other services The Club offers, I am sure many would feel much better and have their spirits lifted.” - Gary L. Reasor, MD, FIPP

Call Us At: (859) 539-2147