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Home » Founder's Blog » July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015

We passed our licensing inspection! I am so excited and anxious to get about our business of serving seniors and their families so they can have a better, healthier, quality of life. A better quality of life in my opinion is to be able to remember past events with no regrets. To make those happy memories we have to make good decisions in the present. Sometimes that means sacrifice and hard work, but I have never heard anyone say on their deathbed, “I wish I had not worked so hard to help________, and I regret sacrificing my time to take care of __________. As the scripture says, “The measure we give is the measure we will receive.” That is not the same as the message I saw on a bumper sticker once: “Be nice to your children. They pick your nursing home.” Let’s educate people about the alternatives to nursing homes for providing the care that may be needed by the elderly. Let’s educate people to be responsible for their own health in hopes of building muscles and eating nutritious foods that will sustain us so we can be independent in our advanced years. That is what we are about. Helping people live a long and happy life. Happy and healthy.

To help people have healthier brains as they age we are offering a free seminar on Thursday, July 16, at 2:00. The UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging is world renowned for their research on brain health, and we have them here at our back door! What a blessing to be able to learn the latest research and how we can apply it to our lives. We will have refreshments!

I want to tell you about a friend of mine who is 85 years old. She is the poster child for aging with grace 50+. She volunteers regularly with passion and dedication. She visits the sick and the dying to bring them gifts and to lift their spirits. She bakes and cooks and shops with such knowledge and finesse that she puts younger folks to shame. She knows all the history in Lexington and is a wealth of knowledge about all things Lexington. What a wonderful example for us to follow! She grew up on a farm and has always been an avid gardener, which is how she gets most of her exercise. Exercise is the secret to living a long and happy life. She is generous beyond measure, even though her means are limited. I am so grateful to know her. I have many happy memories with her and look forward to making many more. I am not going to share her name because she would be embarrassed. She is very humble and modest. But if you ask me, I will tell you…or better than that, I will introduce you!

May you and yours have some sunny days this coming week!Personal-Training-Seniors


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