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The Fountain of Youth Clubhouse

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Great Food, Fun, and Friends with a Focus on Health Improvement!


Required for Fountain of Youth Clubhouse Services

Membership Fee/Yearly Fee / 100.

Includes an IN DEPTH/DETAILED Wellness Map personally designed by our nurse just for you in collaboration with your personal physician and 

After You Become a Member:

Club Rate / 16. Per hour

Daily Club Rate / 73. Per Day

Includes Breakfast, Dinner Party, and Tea & A Tale Time each day. Checkpoints noted with an asterisk and one spa treatment per week are also included for members attending four or more days per week

Spa Treatments

One Hour to Relax & Unwind

Massage / 20. + club rate

Manicure or Facial / 10. + clubhouse rate

Pedicure / 15. + club rate

Total Body Skintilizing / 25. + clubhouse rate

Club Rate / 16. Per hour

Daily Club Rate / 73. Per Day


One on One

Extra Help if Needed is Available

Individual Attention/ 10. + clubhouse rate



Full Medical Screening*  /20. + club rate

Blood Pressure Checks* /5. + club rate

Balance Tests / 10. + club rate

Weight Checks*/ 3. + club rate

Counseling / varies

Blood and Urine Tests / varies

Mini Mental Tests / 12. + club rate

Vaccines and Immunizations / varies Other Tests and Treatments* / varies

*Full Time Daily Rate Members are medically screened weekly, weighed monthly, and are given other tests and treatments at no additional charge

Aging With Grace’s newsletter features the variety of activities, meetings and workshops we offer our members to improve their mind, body and spirit.

If you have any suggestions on upcoming activities or you’d like to offer to host a fun, healthy or educational session, please email DG at

Club Meetings are offered each morning and each afternoon, as well as alternate activities. Guest speakers and entertainers may also appear during this time. Please see newsletter under the news tab for descriptions of alternate activities/guest speakers/entertainers of the month.

Regularly scheduled Move to Improve and Fun and Games are also listed in the newsletter.

See below for descriptions of our regularly scheduled CLUB MEETINGS

Gardening Club Meets Monday mornings. We will learn about flower arranging, public garden efforts, and other gardening concerns (like how insects can be beneficial to the garden, how to make a garden to attract butterflies and birds, how to make a rain garden, etc.).

Glee Club Love to sing? No singing ability required. We sing to make a joyful noise! Bring your old favorites and we will do our best to do them justice. Meets Monday afternoons.

On a Mission Club We meet Tuesday mornings to accomplish something.

Supporting Our Military Everyday (SOME) Club We meet Tuesday afternoons to learn about certain military operations and then write letters of encouragement, make cards or other appropriate projects to send to the operation.

Living Our Values Everyday (LOVE) Club Our club is focused on the local community here in Lexington. We meet on Wednesday mornings to learn about what is going on in Lexington and what we can do to help.

UK Fan Club We meet on Wednesday mornings to show our team spirit by learning what is going on with sports at UK and making posters and other morale boosters. Dressing in blue is mandatory on club meeting days! Wouldn’t it be fun if a UK player dropped in to boost OUR morale?! HEY….it could happen!

Art Class

Art Club

Book Club We meet Wednesday afternoons. Books are provided by the Lexington Public Library.

Art Club Art aides in healing. Art promotes wellness. Come work on a project or learn about art on Thursday mornings.

Hunting and Fishing Club We meet on Thursday mornings to swap fish and hunting tales and to learn about current hunting and fishing issues. Guest speakers are a regular part of our club’s agenda.

Showing Our Love of Veterans Everyday (SOLVE) Club. We meet to discuss issues affecting veterans and how we can help on Friday mornings. Examples of what we can do: write to our representatives in government, to newspapers, and celebrities. Write letters to veterans in hospitals, and to family members to give encouragement. We also explore social media and how to use it to further our cause.

Natural Resources Club Meets Friday afternoons  to hear a status report of how Kentucky’s air and water quality is faring. We learn what affects our environment and what we can do to help. Our grandchildren’s health is at stake!

Note: Club meetings are based on member interest. If you don’t see a club that appeals to you, let us know and we will help you organize a new club meeting!

The Wellness Map ©

wellness-mapNew club members who would like to visit the Fountain of Youth Clubhouse will work with the Wellness Consultant (with communication with the club member’s personal physician) to design a Wellness Map*, unique to each member.

  • The Wellness Map guides the member to seek better health by scheduling recommended preventative medical and dental tests and screenings, and inoculations.
  • The Wellness Map recommends exercises, club meetings, and spa treatments, appropriate to the member’s health, including the time offered, duration and how many times per week.
  • The Wellness Map also addresses dietary concerns of the individual member, which the staff will use to assist in meal planning.
  • Daily records are kept of dietary and fluid intake and output, activities, and any medical concerns
  • Weekly vitals are taken for full time members. Part time members are offered weekly vitals for a fee.

The Wellness Map © In Detail

wellness map 4

The Wellness Map* is a tool for you and your team of health professionals to use to guide you to better health.

There is a category for a Personal Inventory before beginning the journey to better health. This section contains your basic personal information. This information is taken during a tour of the club or over the phone before scheduling an appointment for the Starting Point interview  in your home.

From the Personal Inventory we move on to your Starting Point, which is a more complete picture of your health history and present health. As with any journey, we have to determine  where we are and where we want to go before we can determine the way. This section also looks in depth at your home’s health, because your home’s health affects your health.

Next we look at your goals for better health—your Destination. What would you like to improve? What would give you a better quality of life?

If we are able to serve you, the next step of the journey to better health is done during a scheduled appointment with our Club Health Consultant and Coordinator at the club. There are Essentials,  which are other preparations to be made before embarking on the next phase of the journey to better health. We must understand that we are traveling together to better health, and there are rules and parameters for everyone’s benefit.

And then we give you The Map, a personal guide designed by our team. This is an individualized recommendation for exercises, spa treatments, club meetings, nutrition, and special endeavors. You are never alone as you follow your map. We will help you on your journey.

Last, but not least, there are Checkpoints recommended so that during your journey to better health, possible obstacles can be caught early before they become a problem. These are recommended tests and screenings, and most are covered by Medicare insurance.

*Wellness Maps are an improved version of Care Plans used in rehabilitation centers.

Call Us At: (859) 539-2147