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What DG has learned and feels is important to share in hopes that it will help someone.

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January 19, 2015

My six year old grandson informed me last Friday that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wants us to conquer hate with love. His teachers must be doing a great job, because that is the first time he has come home to proclaim something so profound. Teachers have a tough job (spoken from experience). Thank you, […]

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January 12, 2015

Today I attended a conference sponsored by the Kentucky Voices for Health. I love attending conferences and meeting new people and learning new things. This conference was different because it occurred at a bourbon distillery. I am not a bourbon drinker myself. I almost died from alcohol poisoning when I was a teenager because of […]

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January 5, 2015

Now that the holidays are over, I am ready to hit the ground running. I never really stopped after my miraculous healing on Christmas day. I felt good enough to cook and do all the other things one must do for hosting eleven people spending a few days visiting in our home. We even took […]

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The Present: December 29

We are shopping for a payroll service that is compatible with a card swipe entry system. Members as well as staff  of the health club for seniors will have their time accounted for upon entering and exiting the building. I just enjoyed meeting with a representative from Paychex, named Stacey. She is beautiful and smart […]

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The Present: December 22

The present is such a gift! My prayer for myself and others is to always live in the moment, aware that it is all we have, but also aware that decisions we make in the present will affect future “presents”. May we always listen to the present “still small voice” steering us in the right […]

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The Present: December 15

If you are not a Christian, or don’t even like Christians, you still have to admit that they are the most giving group of believers you know. Our church, Immanuel Baptist, just put on a production they call “The Christmas Experience”, which required an incredible amount of volunteer hours to pull off. The intention was […]

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The Present: December 8

This is a busy time of year for everybody and I doubt that you have time to read irrelevant stuff so I will make this brief. I just want to update you about how we are progressing toward getting the business open. Our potential landlord, Doug Charles, and an architectural designer named Avery Buckman and […]

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The Present: December 1

Signing an “intent to lease” document with Doug Charles was the major highlight of this past week. It means that if our zone change request is granted, Aging With Grace, Aging In Place-The Health Club for Seniors will be open in four to six months. God is so good. I am not. That is why […]

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The Present: November 24

I believe in the open door/closed door policy. If I am in the midst of making a decision, and the door to one option is open, in other words, if there are no barriers, then I am to walk through the door. This is after prayer, contemplation, and weighing the pros and cons. We need […]

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The Present: November 17

Our church recently sponsored three seminars—actually the same seminar offered at three different times on these subjects: Serious illness Hospitalization Incapacity Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Understanding insurance Writing a will Funeral or memorial planning Paying last expenses Durable Power of Attorney for Finances Legacy gifts and generosity Expressing your love and concern […]

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