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Barbara came to us a few months ago and introduced herself and shared a little of her history with me. She is very familiar with the Alzheimer’s disease process after being a caregiver for her husband for seven years of his illness. Barbara has been such a blessing to Aging With Grace! She volunteered her expertise as a hairdresser when she first came to the club and has come weekly to serve any member who would like his or her hair washed/styled/cut. I am so very grateful for her sacrifice and service. To offer salon services is very important to us, but we are not yet licensed to do so.

Barbara has also gifted us with puzzles, books, games, music/noise makers, decorations, and various other goodies. We have put all of it to good use! My favorite gift was the basket of realistic looking vegetables. We have designed and executed many games and activities around those vegetables. She also gave us a little ceramic house that would look perfect in a fairy garden we plan to install in the spring. Won’t that be fun!?

I love Barbara’s sense of humor. One day, when a member was complaining of how difficult her life has been since she became a widow, Barbara put on a little dance routine and told her to look for the good and funny things each day to help ease the pain. She made all of us laugh! She then invited the widow into the salon while she did a hairstyle to talk about her problems more. Barbara knows it is good therapy to talk. Sometimes I think hairdressers make better counselors than professional psychologists. Certainly better than bartenders! I was very impressed with Barbara’s generous and understanding spirit that day. Barbara is a perfect example of how volunteers can bring fresh air and inspiration to a place like ours. We have broken and hurting people here sometimes and the staff and other members need to be refreshed with outside energy and perspectives.

Last, but not least, I so appreciate Barbara’s good ideas. She has suggested many games and activities for us to implement. We have two programs that are conducted simultaneously: One for those who have lost their social skills and the other for those who still enjoy and benefit from interacting with others. Barbara understands and has good ideas for both groups.

God sent Barbara to us and may God continue to bless us with good people like Barbara. And may God continue to bless you, Barbara! We love you!

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