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The Present July 1

Today really is the first day of the rest of your life. As long as we are alive, there is hope. You are as young as you feel. These are some of my favorite cliches. I have been thinking of the last one particularly after my 40th high school reunion last weekend. This stage in […]

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The Present: June 23

This past weekend was so much fun! Lawrence and I attended my high school reunion and pre-reunion party in Cincinnati. It has been 40 years since I graduated from high school, and my, have times and my friends changed! It was wonderful to reconnect and try to catch up, but a few hours was totally […]

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The Present: June 17

June 17, 2014 During our Rotary Club meeting this morning, we had a guest speaker talk with us about Parkinson’s Disease. The speaker told of her experience with the disease from a unique perspective: she was a nurse. She had no idea what was wrong with her initially. People told her that her arm was […]

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The Present: June 15

Previously, all my posts have been about what led up to the present state of The Health Club for Seniors. From now on, all the posts will be about recent happenings related to The Club and tips and lessons learned about how to improve our health. These past two weeks have flown by because we […]

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Background Story XIII

Our finances were in dire straits. Financial services professionals must undergo extensive training and education to begin to help clients with their finances, and they must also find their own clients. It is essentially one’s own business. If ‘contracted’ with a company, office space must be rented. The contracted company will pay for the space […]

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Background Story Part XII

While serving as a caregiver to my mother-in-law during March through June, I worked with SCORE and the Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Administration to learn all I could. I also worked to write policies and design programs for Grace Place. We had submitted our application for a certificate of need March 3, […]

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Background Story XI

Marjorie came to live with us the day after my birthday, March 9, 2011. This time, I cleaned out the room that was my office and set up an office in the basement. We had installed a garden window in the room that was her bedroom when she lived with us two years prior, which […]

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Background Story X

While Milford was in the nursing home, life went on at home. It was almost as if we had two homes: our home and the nursing home. Plus we had our work. My duties as administrator of the summer programs at Sayre School were ramping up at the time Milford went into the nursing home. […]

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Background Story VIIII

Milford was a kindly, highly intelligent man before his brain was ravaged by Alzheimer’s. Even in the short time he lived with us, I saw him become increasingly aggressive. Marjorie told me that he was determined to go down the stairs, where we had installed a strong oak gate. When Marjorie tried to prevent him […]

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Background Story Part VI

We do not know what happened to Lawrence’s mother and father’s money. We knew they had inherited an ample amount. But when Lawrence and I took them into our home, it was gone. Like many families, Lawrence’s family had never talked about money, which I believe is a grave mistake for families to make. Through […]

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