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Home » Founder's Blog » August 22, 2016

August 22, 2016

Whether seniors are coming here or somewhere else, transportation is an issue when reactions slow, vision is impaired, and/or other factors make driving unsafe.
I recommend ITN Bluegrass. They will transport anywhere within Fayette county and no money has to change hands. Each member of the health club for seniors is automatically a member of ITN and can get rides to and from the club. We only have one van for transporting members, so we have partnered with ITN to accommodate multiple members who may need a ride at the same time.
Riding with an ITN driver is like being transported by a neighbor or a family member or friend in an unmarked nice car. Memorable conversation can be enjoyed. And the drivers walk their riders from their door to the car, helping them in and out, and do the same at the destination in reverse.
Trips to and from the club are $10 each way (ITN bills us and we bill our members). But that is still much less expensive than owning a car, and includes the care and attention the driver gives during the trips. To learn more about this wonderful service, please go here: 

May God bless your week ahead

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