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Home » Founder's Blog » September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015

Today is Sunday. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s (and other dementias) was a success yesterday…it didn’t pour down rain. It was quite chilly, windy and a little wet though. Wish I had worn a warm hat. I also wish we had set up a table to get the word out about Aging With Grace. We will be sure to next year.

Speaking of getting the word out….did you see we are having a special guest tomorrow at 10:30 am to educate us on oral health as we age and to tell us about a clinical trial at UK where you can be a volunteer? They want people to spit in a cup and they will give you a $25 gift certificate if you qualify.

Our other guest tomorrow at 2:00 is special too…an elder law attorney is going to be here to talk with us about what would happen to us if our spouse had a major health event that caused them to need long term care. We are the least expensive form of long term care, but even our fees might cause someone to have to access Medicaid monies. It is good for anyone of any age to know what “going on Medicaid” means because political and social implications abound.

Two new potential members are going to be trying us out tomorrow. We offer a free trial day before scheduling a Wellness Consultation just so a potential member and their family can see how a day goes and if they like us. I hope they like us.

On Wednesday at 10:30 Nancy Hines from the Public Health Department is coming to talk about Senior Nutrition. I am looking forward to hearing what she has to say because “we are what we eat” and good nutrition is one point of my five point “Health Star”. The other points are: the right kind and amount of exercise, quality sleep, good safety practices and freedom from toxins and pathogens.

Also on Wednesday we are having some storytelling guests while we film a commercial for Aging With Grace. If you would like to help us out by being an extra in our commercial, please come at 2:00.

On Thursday we will have a Mary Kay party at 2:00! One of our members requested it because she said all her make-up was so old that she threw it all away. I could use some new make-up myself but want to be sure it is totally non-toxic. I have a list of ingredients that I keep in my purse to help me avoid make up that isn’t good for me. Our government does not do a very good job keeping us safe from toxic ingredients in our cosmetics, unfortunately. Buyer beware, as they say.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I pray you have a healthy and happy week ahead….please come visit us!

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