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What health professionals have to say:

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Maintaining independence as we age can be a real challenge. Adult day services help us deal with that challenge. They can free us from constant dependence on family during the day awhile making it easier to continue living in our own homes and neighborhoods.” – Michael D. Smith, PhD, MHA

Clearly all the evidence points to the fact that all people can benefit from exercise and activities, no matter what age.  There has been research showing measurable strength and balance improvement in older tai chi participants. Aging With Grace, Aging in Place–The Health Club for Seniors provides a setting that encourages exercise and activities.” – David Shelton, MHS, PT

I think adult day services are a great idea.  I treat so many elderly patients with chronic pain problems that really limit their ability to get out and maintain some sort of social life. It is frustrating to see them get depressed and give up hope.  If they had Aging With Grace, Aging in Place–The Health Club for Seniors, where they could be around others and do some exercise tailored to their needs along with the other services The Club offers, I am sure many would feel much better and have their spirits lifted.” – Gary L. Reasor, MD, FIPP


What our members and families have to say:

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“The peace of mind that Aging With Grace provides me is invaluable. They are courteous, caring, educated,  and patient and I am so grateful for them. As I have experienced other adult day services for my father, it is only at Aging With Grace that I have been fully satisfied.  I would refer them 100% to anyone needing care for their loved one. The daily atmosphere and cleanliness of the facility is impeccable.”—-Italia


“Aging With Grace gives my mom a place to be with friends her own age and while giving me a chance to do what I can’t do while caring for my mom. As my mother’s condition worsens, it is important to me for her to still feel needed. Aging With Grace gives her purpose and friendship. Her needs are always met with a loving and caring dedication from a very professional staff.”—-Michael


“I am so impressed with the facility and the care given at Aging With Grace. How I wish a place like this would have been available when my husband’s health was failing. At that time I was working to put my daughter through college. I tried in home care, but it didn’t work out….I finally had to quit my job and stay home to ensure that my husband received the care he needed and deserved. Now I enjoy volunteering at Aging With Grace and have a Wellness Map for myself.”——Mattie


“I’m so grateful for Aging With Grace. When I found my mother and got her out of the nursing home, Aging With Grace opened their doors to my mother. If not for them, I would have had no help with my mother, and she requires 24/7 supervision and care. This is the best place for my mother. It is always clean and the staff is wonderful.”—-Cheryl


“I am 66 years old and confined to a wheelchair. I like going to Aging With Grace because the people who work there are really nice and they care about the people who come there. The people who attend are over 50 and we have a lot in common since we are all about the same age; we can talk about when we were growing up and how different it was. I want to go back again and again to see my friends at Aging With Grace as soon as possible.”—-Sandra


“….the folks with dementia could not be  in a better place than (at Aging With Grace), there with you. I enjoy coming (to Aging With Grace)…”—-Wilma


“Aging With Grace has been a Godsend for my mom who suffers from progressive dementia. The entire staff has always gone above and beyond to find ways to connect with her from letting her dog, Raffie, come for visits to a day with a make-up party and pictures (which she loved!) to an Elvis themed birthday party with presents and a cake! They have helped with transportation, with additional services (like outpatient rehab and temporary caregiving), and to relieve my live-in caregiver when the stress of daily full time care becomes overwhelming. My mom’s demeanor is not kind, but the staff at at Aging With Grace always knows how to de-escalate and divert. I wish much continued success to Aging With Grace, which we lovingly refer to as “Grace Place”. They exemplify daily everything that is needed for today’s seniors and their families.”—-Tracy


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