Call Us At: (859) 539-2147


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Come to the Clubhouse everyday for only $73 per day and includes all food fare and a spa treatment/vitals/checkpoint weekly.

Part time attendance at the Clubhouse is $16 per hour. Medical Supervision, Exercise Sessions, Games, Puzzles, Art Projects, Food Fare, Guest Speakers/Entertainers and Club Meetings are included in both the full time daily rate and the part time hourly rate. Does not include daily personal care items.

Once a potential member has been medically approved for membership after the Wellness Consultation, a membership card will be issued. The membership card is also a name tag. Members are asked to schedule the days and hours they would like to attend in advance, so staff and supplies are sure to be available and to avoid overbooking of the clubhouse.

Help At Home Services are $24.00 per hour. Special rates are available for special circumstances.

·         Personal Care

·         Advocate During Hospital Stays

·         Home Maintenance and Landscaping

·         Meals, Housekeeping and Laundry

·         Money Management, Shopping, and Bill Paying

·         Life Alert System and Video Surveillance#

·         Safety Home Modifications#

Members may pay with credit card, ACH debit from a checking account, as well as with paper checks and cash.

A medically documented loss of two activities of daily living (ADL’s) will qualify a member for payment by Medicaid (if eligible) or by home and community based long term care insurance, if owned by the member. Aging With Grace also accepts Veteran’s Aid and Attendance benefits.


Call Us At: (859) 539-2147