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May 14, 2017

My sons are aged 33, 31, and 27 now. While they were growing up, I put their needs above my own and worked without pay 24/7/365 to make sure they were healthy, clean, well fed, and educated. I worked at a paying job too during some of those years, but my sons always came first and I was careful not to work at my paying job too many hours. Perhaps working without pay as I cared for my sons for all those years is why I am okay now as I work without pay to make life better for seniors.

I took my children to church twice, and sometimes three times a week. I volunteered to work with various aged groups at church as they rose through the programs.

I always thought that someone else was taking care of the older folks at church while I was taking care of the children.

What is the matter with our culture? Why do we think it is ‘normal’ to lock our elderly loved ones up in institutions and expect someone else to care for them? And if they have no money of their own, we expect the government to pay for their care.

Of course, many people also think it is ‘normal’ to kill an unborn baby.

‘Normal’ is what is convenient.

I was shocked this past week at an after hours event, when I asked an acquaintance of mine, how her little 18 month old baby girl was doing. After she said she was fine, I said, “I’m sure you can’t wait to get home to her”. She replied, “Oh, even if I leave in an hour, I will have an hour with her before bedtime, and that is enough”. Is that ‘normal’? If so, our society is in more trouble than I thought.

A society is based on the strength of the nuclear family, and the nuclear family is centered on the mother. Mothers have to sacrifice. We just do. A child is a gift from God and He wants us to sacrifice for the good of the child. We are to trust God for the rest.

Did your mother sacrifice for you? You are blessed. Please don’t lock her up when she is sick and old and trust her care to strangers.


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